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 changing perceptions of disability 

one article at a time


Communitea, the online magazine that changes the way you see the world. 

Hi, I'm Joe the creator of Communitea, I'm so happy to have you here. Let me talk you through the idea behind Communitea and what I'm aiming to do. You see, I have Cerebral Palsy and in a nutshell that means that I have to live my life in a wheelchair because I can't walk.


As I was growing up I noticed that there wasn't enough focus on disabilities and those peoples' life stories which would've been helpful for me growing up, because it would have meant I had someone I could relate to. 


 So I've made it my mission to create a space for my people where they can see themselves, share their stories and experiences  and  educate others by spreading  awareness of disability.


Be a part of the community that is changing the perception of disability one article at a time.




About us


Check out 'The Entrepreneur in the Wheelchair' in our feature section


Find out more about life with disability...

Image by Allie Smith
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